Embark on a Rewarding Teaching Career with MDU’s B.Ed Program

The Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) program is a pivotal stepping stone for individuals aspiring to shape the future through effective teaching. Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU), a distinguished name in the realm of education, offers a comprehensive two-year B.Ed degree course designed to equip future educators with the skills and knowledge necessa

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ACTIV: Empowering SCST Entrepreneurs for Economic Equality

In the dynamic landscape of India's business ecosystem, ACTIV (Adidravidar Confederation of Trade and Industrial Vision) emerges as a catalyst for change, championing the cause of SCST (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) entrepreneurs with unwavering dedication. As a non-governmental, non-profit, and non-political entity, ACTIV is driven by a s

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